Soil and Climatic Conditions

The Sinis Peninsula, in the north-western extremity of the Campidano, presents a unique climate and soil in Sardinia.
The soil of volcanic origin, contains marine sediments and effusive basalts formed about 35 million years or more so ago. Sedimentary rock, limestone and sandstone characterize the soil enriching it with saline and unique minerals, making it suitable for the cultivation of various agricultural products, conferring a special taste and particular typicality.
The climate is typical of the Mediterranean, mitigated by the sea and the Cabras pond, which play a very important thermo-regulatory function, creating ideal conditions for a variety of plant and animal species, some of which are a unique feature of this territory.
Like in all low-lying coastal areas, the night/day temperature range is very limited and average daily temperatures range from 10° in January to 24° in July, with a yearly average of 17.6° C. Frosts are very rare with basically no snow ever. The annual water supply, from rain, dew and sporadic hailstorms, are remarkably uneven, with a major peak during the winter and an almost complete absence of rain during the summer.
The right degree of moisture is balanced perfectly thanks to the warm weather and winter rainfall, and the evaporation of the lagoon waters help to improve air circulation thanks to the beneficial marine breeze.
With the humid-temperate climate, thus, and the typical organoleptic characteristics of the soil, the Sinis Peninsula is a small paradise of fertility and productivity, where farming has always played a crucial role in the history and economy of the territory .
Protected crops
Even though in a lesser extent in respect to open-air crops, a part of the produce, during some stages of development, are “defended” against external events, protecting them in tunnels or greenhouses for a climatic effect.
This type of cultivation is carried out in order to improve the quality and to prolong the production period. This is done not only to avoid damage from bad weather, but especially because the environment itself, in relation to the various stages of development, is more favorable to obtain qualitatively and quantitatively better production, expanding the times of ripening and harvesting compared to the standard seasonality.
Nursey Production
Nurserymen authorized by the Region of Sardinia. Our nursery is a key sector for our productions, since it is the first stage where you generate the added value that we transfer to the entire production chain. During the transplant we collaborate with the leaders companies in the seed sector to select the best seeds, namely, those that are best suited to the region and meet the needs of the market.- transplanting seeds in test fields
- planting and breeding of the alveoli in the greenhouse
- transplant grown under cover or open field